So after finding sweet sweet freedom, I got chosen by the Facebook ad algorithm to click on the All of Us link. Right out the gate, it sounded like a cult, they get full access to my life and body; I get a token prize. And they offered amazing sounding perks to sucker me in. As always, you are welcome All of Us for the massive bump in signs ups you will get from my blog followers, I am not a sell-out and will not accept the bonus and % kickback, no matter how hard you try to give it to me. All of Us is a huge study that will stalk people for 10 years and harvest all the sensitive data about their lives and overanalyze it to predict the future; cult, right? And to really drive home the culty vibes, All of Us promises things, shiny things, things you want, things you think you can't possibly live without, things you wouldn't buy for yourself but secretly put in your Amazon cart every week thinking this...
It all started with a challenge, no sugar for 10 days...