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What's Your Dog's Insta Handle?

In the land of "keep it weird"- it should come as no surprise that not only do people love sitting on Instagram but so do their pets. Hailing from Montana and having a whopping 328 followers, I felt like I was doing OK. I mean, I am not a famous actor or brand account, but it turns out, there are dogs with more followers and active engagement than me! That kind of hurt. I am, however, 1000% confident if I stuck an avocado on my head I would not get 75k followers - I would probably get banned.

I know you followed the link and found that I'm not lying... But you may say this is a one-off, not every dog has an Instagram... wrong!!! There are thousands of them out there, here is a Beagle's account that's only a few months old with a mere 5 pictures - yes FIVE!!! - and he has more followers than me!! Pets have taken over Instagram to the point where accounts for animals now outperform verified humans. It's Animal Farm out there people. The pets are influencing the InstaWorld and we need to watch our backs before the pigs' revolt and start wearing our clothes.

Well, living in Portland on the bleeding edge of the social pet trends, I naturally need to join in. Unfortunately, from a purely utilitarian perspective, pets serve no function; never caring for themselves, cleaning up their own messes, or adding any net creative addition to society (even if it looks like it, it's just their owners) - and due to severe allergies, I don't have any. As pets are pointless and I did pay big coin for a hybrid, I have decided to make an Instagram account for my car. It's the same basic concept - anthropomorphize it, give it feelings, post cute pictures of it doing stuff and pretend it is intelligent enough to know and care about what I think and say, sink more money than its worth into it, clean it and feed it and get nothing in return - basically any pet.

So meet Perl the 2018 Honda Accord Hybrid.

Follow my pet car - Hybrid.Snowflake and maybe one day I'll get $30k just to post a picture of an avocado on the top of my car, then I can retire from blogging... but I won't.